Sunday, February 5, 2012

How does this monotheistic religion differ from the other two major monotheistic religions?

Orthodox Judaism differs from the other two major mothotheistic religions is several ways.

- Judaism: Moses
- Christianity: Jesus Christ
- Islam: Muhammad

Scripture/Holy book:
- Judaism: Torah
- Christianity: Bible
- Islam: Qur'an

House of Worship:
- Judaism: Synagogue
- Christianity: Church or Cathedral
- Islam: Mosque

Main day of worship:
- Judaism: Saturday
- Christianity: Sunday
- Islam: Friday

- Judaism: Reform Conservative, Orthodox, and Reconstructionist
- Christianity:Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant
- Islam: Sunni and Shia

Holy city:
- Judaism: Jerusalem 
- Christianity: Jerusalem
- Islam: Mecca

Perspective on Jesus:
Judaism: not the Messiah
Christianity: the son of God
Islam: prophet before Muhammad, highly respected

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